Best Darkroom Supplies Chemicals for Photography 2021

Best Darkroom Supplies Chemicals for Photography 2021

Best Darkroom Supplies Chemicals for Photography

1. Darkroom Chemical Storage Bottles

  1. Professional quality opaque plastic chemical storage bottle. Keeps darkroom chemicals fresh by avoiding exposure to air and light.
  2. Made from chemical-resistant HDPE plastic, which is excellent for long-term storing mixed chemicals. HDPE is anti-corrosion, acid-resistant. In fact, the HDPE is almost similar to the AP/Kaiser bottles!
  • Compatibility: Suitable for all photographic chemicals including developer, stopper, and fixer
  • Material: HDPE
  • Package: 3x Chemical Storage Bottles + 3x stickers
  • Dimension: 23.5 x 7 x 7 cm/9.25 x 2.76 x 2.76 inch
  • Weight: 86g/0.19lb
3X 1000ml Darkroom Chemical Storage Bottles Film Photo Developing Processing 1L
  • Compatibility: Suitable for all photographic chemicals...
  • Material: HDPE
  • Package: 3x Chemical Storage Bottles + 3x stickers
  • Dimension: 23.5 x 7 x 7 cm/9.25 x 2.76 x 2.76 inch
  • Weight: 86g/0.19lb

2. Fixer for Paper and Film

Mixes to working strength

KODAK Fixer for Paper and Film, 1Gallon Mix
136 Reviews

3. Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Anhydrous Sodium Thiosulfate

Sodium Thiosulfate Uses In preparation of fixing baths Ingredient in various reducers

Note: Hypo is available in two forms: anhydrous and, more commonly crystalline. Crystalline hypo, when dissolved, lowers the temperature of the water considerably, whereas anhydrous does not.

Always begin with water of at least 90deg.F/32deg.C when mixing the crystalline form. Use 64% of the anhydrous salt as a substitute for crystalline hypo

Synonyms: AntichlorHypoHyposulfite of sodaSodium hyposulfiteSodium subsulfiteSodium thiosulfate, pentahydrateThiosulfuric acid, disodium salt, pentahydrate

Appearance: Large white monoclinic, colorless crystals and powder odorless

Uses: In preparation of fixing bath ingredient in various reducers

Chemical Formula: Na2S2O3.5H2O

Weight: 1lbs (0.45kg)

Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Anhydrous Sodium Thiosulfate
  • Synonyms: AntichlorHypoHyposulfite of sodaSodium...
  • Appearance: Large white monoclinic, colorless crystals...
  • Uses: In preparation of fixing bathsIngredient in...
  • Chemical Formula: Na2S2O3.5H2O
  • Weight: 1lbs (0.45kg)

4. Photographers' Formulary Glycin

Glycin (N-Para-Hydroxyphenyl) from Photographer’s Formulary is an excellent developing agent for both film and paper. It is a fine grain, ultra-clean working, lengthens the life of prednisone, and produces attractive warm tone prints with the subtlest highlights.

Until the advent of 35mm film, with the resulting emphasis on fine-grain developers, glycine was used mainly in paper developers. Now it is sometimes used in combination with other developing agents for fine-grain film development.

Print craftsmen and women long ago recognized the Ansco 130 formula based on glycin as the expert’s choice. Ansel Adams used a modified version of it for some of his very finest work.

Photographers' Formulary Glycin 100 grams
  • Photographers' Formulary Glycin 100 grams


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